Know Me Better!
Ogechi Juliet Uhegbu is a Bsc graduate of computer science and informatics. Experienced Front-end Developer specializes in designing, developing, managing responsive websites with High vision and forward-thinking innovative use of technology, effective problem solving skills, outstanding interpersonal skills with ability to work independently as well as within a team environment.
Ogechi is passionate about designing, developing, managing software, website like complex e-commerce sites and web application not excluding wordpress, UI/UX designs and graphic designs that is responsive, purposeful, easy to use, friendly and aesthetically pleasing. I've worked on a variety of projects including My travel trips, 6 top favourite foods, Registration form, Invoice#12345ABC and others. From workflow diagrams to detailed Front end development, I love developing and crafting on-screen.
Check out on Oge's:PERSONALLY
I love music, vedio gaming, designing and often write and develop about my loves and discoveries. I know I’m supes old fashioned love it like that. I blab about whatever else is rattling around my brain. I'm a great team worker and also independent focus worker, based on project given in order to arrive at a most profitable and desirible result.
This website has been running as a free open source since 2022, developed with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The site was given as a Final project at Udemy while trying to complete a certification on HTML5-Basics to Advanced Level, instruct by EdYoda Digital University,Qalfi Khan. The site is actual for sale. Simply message developer: Via email ( or LinkedIn.
All fonts are served by standard font, Arial. Shocking right still looks awesome? 14px is the font size primarily used for sub headlines and 18px used for navigator bar and headlines, Arial is used primarily for body copy. These are very awesome fonts, so a cold shower may be in your immediate future.